
#34 - Kontrobersiyang “Love the Philippines” / “Love the Philippines” controversy
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Ano ang kontrobersiya sa bagong slogan ng Department of Tourism? Bakit malaking isyu ang "Love The Philippines"? [FREE] Ito ang libreng transcript para sa'yo: ⁠⁠ May comment ka? O gusto mo sumuporta sa proyekto na 'to? Gusto mo sumali sa Telegram Immersion Group? Patreon: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Gusto mo magbook ng lesson? Email me: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Maraming salamat! About this project: I created Comprehensible Tagalog Podcast to create interesting content with transcripts for intermediate Tagalog learners. I teach Tagalog online and I'm always inspired by my students. They come from different parts of the world but they share the same passion and curiosity for Tagalog. Unfortunately, there aren't enough content for learners especially at the intermediate level. This stage is vital and I believe that the easy and painless route of learning
Comprehensible Tagalog Podcast
Run time: 05:29
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Hi, kamusta? Ako si Miguel at ito ang Comprehensible Tagalog Podcast.
At ngayong araw, mag-uusapan natin ang isang malaking issue, malaking kontrobersya sa Pilipinas ngayon.
Ang bagong campaign ng Department of Tourism sa Pilipinas, ang campaign na Love the Philippines.
So, bakit ba malaking kontrobersya ito at bakit laging nasa balita?
So, dahil ang Department of Tourism gumawa ng bagong slogan,
at syempre mga advertisement na Love the Philippines,
nag-launch noong June 27,
at pinalitan ang dating slogan, dating campaign na It's More Fun in the Philippines.
So, ngayon, yung bagong slogan, yung Love the Philippines.
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