
Agree ka sa pagbawi ng House sa SMNI franchise?
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Christian Esguerra
Run time: 08:14
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It's not for me to judge, pwede tama o mali. Kasi in the end, ang titingin dyan, mataas na hukuman. Pero kung titignan mo, sabihin mo, reasonable ba na gawin yun?
Ang titingin ko, mas reasonable yan kaysa ABS-CBN. If only I could make a comparison. So ang titingin ko dyan, dapat talagang imbistigahan yan. At least dapat imbistigahan. After all, ang imbistigahan mo, a franchise holder. May kontrata sa gobyerno. So ang sakin, tama lang yan.
Okay. How about you, Kalim?
Agree naman ako kay Vergel. May mga specific violations na sinasight ang mga legislators of the allegedly SM&I committed violations of the franchise.
Quite apart from that, I think itong action na ito against SM&I is expected na rin because of its long history of really violating, not so much from where I sit, not so much yung franchise nila.
But yung kanilang tungkulin sa publiko, which is to report the truth and more importantly, do no harm. Their series of red tagging and all of that, pati nga ako, natira na ako dyan ng ilang beses, are harming people. And for that, they should be investigated.
So tama lang, indecision ng house, at least.
Yeah, for me, the house is within their, I think, within their rights.
And if the franchise violations are merited, then are proven, then mananagot sila doon. But later on, may mga caveat akong kailangang sabihin tungkol dyan because from my reading dito, ay medyo may pagkasleeper slope ng konti ito.
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