
VANLIFE and CAMPING in the Most Crowded City of Bulacan
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#boyperstaym #camping #vanlife "Yung ayaw kong mag camping sa siyudad pero ginawa ko ambot!" haha Like the music in my vlogs? 30 day free trial here! Epidemic Sound: My second Youtube channel: Watod PH Follow me on: ✧ Instagram: ✧ Facebook Fanpage: Let's do Business:
Boy Perstaym
Run time: 23:40
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English Summary of Video (AI):
- They start by deciding not to cook but to purchase food from a local food yard in Malolos, mentioning that it’s a city known for food ventures.
- They share personal anecdotes, including a humorous interaction about a desire for a specific dish and planning a visit to someone's house nearby.
- There's mention of vehicle maintenance, specifically getting a van wrapped in Bulacan before a trip to Mindanao, emphasizing not wanting to wait in long queues in Quezon City for the same service.
- A camping event at Malolos Convention Center is discussed, noted as a casual gathering with supporters, with food likely purchased from nearby food options and eaten in their camper vans.
- They thank supporters for their gifts, especially emphasizing a cooler given by "I Love Camping" for their Mindanao trip, highlighting the importance of support and gifts from their community.
- They make a DIY Coke Float, using it as a bonding moment and to cool off from the Bulacan heat, discussing past moments and changes over the years.
- The vlogger reflects on his journey and the support from his "first timers" (followers), emphasizing the importance of remembering where one started and appreciating current success.
- Family dynamics and the importance of providing for his family while balancing travel and vlogging life are discussed, particularly focusing on his daughter understanding his work-related absences.
- The importance of taking breaks to manage stress and encouraging others to try camping for relaxation is highlighted.
- There's an emphasis on the value of hard work, responsibility, and making sacrifices for family well-being, encouraging other men/fathers to be responsible providers.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Since na dito naman sa Malolos, eh city naman to ng mga food tripan, eh hindi na kami magluluto.
Kami ay bibili na lang ng mga pagkain dito sa food yard ba to? Kung tawagin.
So ganito po dito sa amin sa Malolos, kabalita rin ang buhay natin sa Nuevo Vizcaya.
Pero paminsa-misan, masarap din na papunta sa ganito. Balikan natin yung kusan tayo, nagtagal talaga.
Parang break lang ng ating sobrang katahimikin kasi minsan kailangan din natin yung ganito.
What's up?
Ito yung effectos natin. Huwag mong papakita sa iba ha.
Makamakita nila.
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