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Business Email : SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram - @arkeeeen Twitter - @arkeeeen FB - Tiktok - Second Channel #pinoyanimation #arkinanimation
Run time: 06:23
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English Summary of Video (AI):
- **Normalcy Returning with Christmas Parties**: The narrator opened by expressing excitement about the return to normalcy, allowing for Christmas parties to be held again. There was a hope to finish an animation before Christmas, which was delayed due to a vacation extending to a birthday celebration.

- **High School Christmas Party Disaster**: The narrator shared a memory from their second year of high school involving the worst Christmas party experience. Their classroom was known for its diverse and often disruptive students, including troublemakers and those with unique personalities.

- **Classroom Chaos Leads to Cancelled Party**: A particularly mischievous student caused a fight in the classroom during an activity. This led to a physical altercation with another student, which was witnessed by the entire class and resulted in the cancellation of their Christmas party by the guidance counselor as a lesson for their behavior.

- **Reaction and Aftermath**: The classmates blamed the two students involved in the fight for the cancellation of their Christmas party. There was a shared disappointment about missing traditional Christmas party activities, such as exchanging gifts and enjoying common party foods like spaghetti and lumpiang shanghai.

- **Teacher's Offer and Reflected Feelings**: Another teacher jokingly offered their class section to host the fighting students, lightening the mood slightly. However, the narrator and some classmates felt awkward and out of place when considering attending another section's Christmas party, feeling like outsiders.

- **No Celebration, But a Glimpse of Normalcy**: On the day of the supposed Christmas party, the narrator and some classmates chose to stay in their classroom, working on a project while envying the celebration happening in another classroom. There was a sense of missed opportunity for fun, bonding, and showcasing talents.

- **Compensation and Reflection**: The narrator ended with how they opted to celebrate the day by going out to Mall of Asia (Moa) for a meal, framing it as their version of a Christmas party celebration. The video concludes with a reflection on this being their worst Christmas party experience due to actually not having a party and extending thanks to the channel's supporters, wished everyone a happy new year.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Bumabalik na tayo sa normal guys, kaya meron na naman mga Christmas party
at sana mahabal ko itong animation na ito bago mag-Christmas
kasa hindi ko na naabot kasi na-enjoy ko ang vacation at pinaabot ko na ng birthday ko
kaya napatagal lalo
pero anyways, ituloy na natin ang
kwentong pang-December sana
at tungkol nga sa Christmas party
nung school ako, naka-experience ako ng pinakamales na Christmas party
kwento ko muna yung mga pangyayari bago dumating yung araw ng Christmas party
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