
Gumanda na nga ba ang Internet sa Pilipinas?
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The Philippines’ internet speed in terms of mobile and fixed broadband has slightly improved, according to a global speed test. According to Ookla’s Speedtest Global Index, the Philippines ranks 110th out of 139 countries in terms of mobile data speed, having an average of 18.49 megabits per second (Mbps) as of November 2020, compared to November 2019’s record of 17.15 Mbps. The Philippines also slightly improved its rank in terms of fixed broadband speed, ranking three spots up to 103rd place out of 176 countries. According to the index, the Philippines has 28.69 Mbps on average in terms of fixed broadband speed as of November 2020, which is slightly higher than November 2019’s record of 25.68 Mbps. In terms of mobile internet speed, the United Arab Emirates ranks first in Ookla’s Speedtest Global Index, having an average speed of 170.30 Mbps. Meanwhile, Singapore is the number one country in terms of fixed broadband speed, having an average of 241.10 Mbps. Back in August, Ookla reported that
Run time: 17:35
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Sa silangan ng pinagaagawang teritoryo matatagpuan ang isang bansang tila na pag iwanan na pagdating sa makabagong teknolohiya.
Teknolohiya ang makakatulong sana sa pag-asenso ng bawat Pilipino at sa pag-angat pa ng ating ekonomiya.
Ngunit sa kabila ng matinding pangangailangan dito,
tila isa ito sa mga serbisyong napakahirap mapaganda at mapamura,
na sa tagal ng proseso, tila maraming Pilipino na ang napamura.
At ngayong nasa unang taon na tayo ng panibagong dekada,
panahon na siguro para maranasan ng taong bayan
ang mas pinaganda at mas murang internet connection,
na tulad ng tubig at kuryente,
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