
Goma At Home: Inihaw Na Bangus With Ensaladang Talong And Grilled Watermelon
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Because today is extra special, we are making a classic Pinoy al fresco dish—Grilled Bangus with Ensaladang Talong by the beach. To kick things up a notch, I served it with Grilled Watermelon. When preparing the ingredients, I make sure I use Glad products to seal in the flavours and keep the food fresh. And because it’s Father’s Day, we are giving away Glad bestsellers to our 6 LUCKY VIEWERS Here’s how you can win: 1.Follow me @richardgomezinstagram and @gladkitchenph on instagram 2. Tell us on my instagram post what makes you GLAD when cooking at home? 3. Do not forget to use the hashtag #GladAtHome and #ChooseGlad 3. Brand will choose the winners bonus points if you like the post and engage with me and @gladkitchenph Excited to see what makes you glad at home! #GomaAtHome #RichardGomez #GladAtHome #ChooseGlad
Richard Gomez
Run time: 15:59
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