
Nature and Characteristics of an Academic Text | English for Academic and Professional Purposes
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#EAPP #AcademicText What is an academic text? What are examples of Academic Text STRUCTURE What is the overall structure of an academic text? What do we mean by, “It must be cohesive and possess a logically organized flow of ideas.” TONE What do we call the attitude conveyed in a piece of writing? What should we do when presenting a position or argument that disagrees with one’s perspectives? LANGUAGE Why is it important to use unambiguous language? What type of language and which point of view should we use in Academic Text? CITATION Why is it essential to always acknowledge the source? COMPLEXITY What type of thinking skills do academic text require in addressing complex issues? EVIDENCE-BASED ARGUMENTS What is valued in an academic text ? THESIS-DRIVEN What is The starting point of an academic text?
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Run time: 06:14
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