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BEEF PARES ½ cup minced garlic 2 large white onions, sliced 2-3 tablespoons sliced ginger 3 kilos beef brisket, cut into cubes 6-8 pcs bay leaves (laurel) 1-2 teaspoons five spice powder 1 teaspoon whole black pepper 1 cup soy sauce ½ cup coconut vinegar ¾ cup – 1 cup dark brown sugar 3-4 liters of water Fish sauce, to season Garlic rice: 2-4 tablespoons oil ¼ cup minced garlic 2-3 tablespoons oyster sauce 4-6 cups cooked rice Sugar, to taste Chopped spring onions, for garnish.
Chef RV Manabat
Run time: 16:38
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