
Sizzling Crispy Sisig
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Sizzling Crispy Sisig Recipe Details: ingredients: 1 ½ lbs. pork belly, boiled for 1 hour ½ cup Lady’s Choice Mayonnaise 2 pieces onion, chopped 4 pieces Thai chili pepper, chopped 2 pieces long green pepper, chopped 16 grams Knorr SavorRich Pork, equivalent to 1 sachet ½ teaspoon ground black pepper 2 tablespoons soy sauce ¼ cup margarine 2 cups cooking oil procedure: Heat oil in a deep cooking pot or deep fryer. Fry the boiled pork belly until golden brown and crispy. Chop the crispy pork belly into small pieces. Set aside. Heat half of the margarine in a pan. Sauté half of the onions until soft. Add chopped pork. Saute for 30 seconds. Add Knorr SavorRich. Stir and then add chili peppers and season with ground black pepper and soy sauce. Cook for 1 minute. Add Lady’s Choice Mayonnaise. Stir and add remaining onion. Set aside. Heat a metal plate (sizzling plate) on a stovetop. Melt remaining margarine. Transfer the crispy pork sisig into the metal
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 07:40
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