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KUWENTO SA PILIPINAS HINGGIL SA BIBLIA; mayroon bang demonyo; nasaan ang demonyo; PHILIPPINES DOCUMENTARY; DEVIL TAGALOG VERSION, TAGALOG BIBLE COMMENTARY; PINOY BIBLE, FILIPINO STORY ON THE DEVIL; ANG DEMONYO SA LUPA. This video presents a Bible character reputed to have influenced the whole world. Many thought that the devil is people's evil state of mind and wicked heart condition contrary to what the Bible says about this devious being. In Christianity, the title Satan (Hebrew: הַשָּׂטָן ha-Satan), "the adversary", is a title of various entities, both divine and human, who challenge the faith of humans in the Hebrew Bible. "Satan" later became the name of the personification of evil. Christian tradition and theology changed "Satan" from an accuser appointed by God to test men's faith to God's godlike fallen opponent: "the devil", "Shaitan" in Arabic (the term used by Arab Christians as well as by Muslims). Traditionally, Christians have understood the devil to be the author of lies and promoter
Pinoy Mystery Channel
Run time: 09:30
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