
Totoo ba na Land Of OPHIR Ang Pilipinas? (Last Part)
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This video conclusion brings to light the end of a four-part series that answers a number of questions in the Bible regarding whether or not the Philippines is the Land of Ophir where the Queen of Sheba came from. The legendary King Solomon is arguably one of the most recognizable characters within the pages of the Old Testament. The third King of Israel, Solomon was a renowned ruler that oversaw growth from a single state into a venerable superpower of the Middle East in biblical times. During his near four-decade regency, he had a reputation for wisdom and clear judgment. But King Solomon had another aspect to his legend: his immense wealth from gold that historians say came from the lost mine of Ophir. This brings us to one of the great mysteries of all times that nobody can seem to agree on. Where was Ophir? Unfortunately for historians, the Bible never went into specific detail about King Solomon’s mine of Ophir. There was never a specific record of its location: only general clues that could pertain
Pinoy Mystery Channel
Run time: 14:38
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