
PIZZA (Pizza Party at Home)
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PIZZA (Pizza Party at Home) Dough recipe: 4 cups all-purpose flour 1 ½ cups water ¼ cup olive oil (or vegetable oil) 1 tablespoon instant dry yeast 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt Pizza sauce: 2 cups crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce 1 tablespooon minced garlic (optiona) 1 teaspoon oregano (optional) salt and pepper, to taste Assorted toppings of choice Mozzarella Cheese Cheddar Cheese Pizza Cheese Truffle Salsa Cheeses, Truffle salsa, Salami and other fine European products: Euro Rich Foodtrade Corporation Eurorichfood is also on Lazada and Shopee Pizza ovens: Kyln / Barrel Pro
Chef RV Manabat
Run time: 24:58
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