
Sobra Pala Yaman ng Pilipinas Dahil sa Ginto
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GINTO NG PILIPINAS; PHILIPPINES DOCUMENTARY SA MGA GINTO NG PILIPINAS, TAGALOG COMMENTARY ON PHILIPPINE GOLD RESERVE, PINOY MYSTERY STORY, FILIPINO DOCUMENTARY MARCOPPER DISASTER; MYSTERYO SA PILIPINAS; MGA GINTO PHILEX MINING DISASTER The Philippines are blessed with mineral and metal deposits due to its geology. The islands are on the top of underwater mountains that were formed due to the molten rocks from the interior of earth, which created the ideal setting of a variety of valuable minerals. Placer and lode gold deposits are found throughout the country, the districts of Baguio and Paracale in Luzon and Masara, Surigao and Masbate in Mindanao are the principal producers of gold. Benguet is the oldest and first mining company established in 1903. Extensive mining of gold and nickel is done at the Acupan which started in 1927. International attention was focused on the town of Hinobaan in 1982, when gold nuggets were found in its river, which aroused the interest of people and hundreds of miles were d
Pinoy Mystery Channel
Run time: 11:52
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