
Totoo Ba Mga Aliens?
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This video presents UFO sightings in the Philippines. Alleged "UFO" sighted in Pampanga was sighted on evening of April 26, 2015 was quickly circulated across Facebook. The video shows the motionless lights was apparently floating in the sky. According to the person who took the video, while they in Lubao-Pampanga diversion road, they notice that the lights later formed a letter "V". At first, they only saw three lights until the lights are appeared seven more. Later, the lights vanishes a little bit. The next morning, they returned to the area where the lights appeared in the sky; there is no buildings situated in this area. The video was shown by PAGASA, according to them, they estimate about 800–1000 meters high from the ground. Also, PAGASA states that is impossible that the lights coming from the airplane, hot air balloon, or drones due to its size of the lights. The lights appeared in 5–8 minutes based on the concept of eyewitnesses. Suspected UFO sightings in Negros Occidental In the night of Febr
Pinoy Mystery Channel
Run time: 08:35
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