
Sprite Pork Adobo
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Sprite Pork Adobo is a Filipino Pork Adobo version that uses lemon lime soda. You can also use 7Up and other similar soda for this recipe. This results in a delicious Pinoy Pork Adobo that is a bit on the sweet side. It can be enjoyed with a cup of warm white rice. I always cook a huge batch of adobo during the weekend and keep it in the freezer afterwards so that I have something to eat when needed. This can kept in the freezer for a month. Simply thaw and reheat when you feel like having the dish for either lunch or dinner. This works also well for breakfast. You can serve it with fried egg or boiled egg on the side. Adobo is a popular dish in the Philippines. Learn how to cook this dish through this video. Don't forget to visit our blog for the details. Visit for more recipes
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 16:48
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