
Nilagang Pata
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Get the details of this Nilagang Pata Recipe here: Nilagang Pata is a Filipino Soup that makes use of Pork Hock (pigs leg), which is also known as pata. This is a simple soup dish that is best eaten with warm white rice during cold days. Aside from pork hock, other cuts of pork can be used to cook this dish. Meat such as beef or chicken can also be used. This cooking video demonstrates how to cook nilagang pata the Panlasang Pinoy way. You can refer to the link above for the details. Check out our other nilaga cooking videos: Nilagang Baboy (pork nilaga or boiled pork soup): Beef Nilaga (boiled beef soup): #porkrecipes #panlasangpinoy #filipinorecipes
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 04:21
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