
Gabriela is Coming! [Labor Preparations]
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#Motherhood #GabrielaIsComing #MarielPadilla Hello Everybody! Never stop believing. Nothing comes easy but I am sure all the struggles are worth it. I've been through a lot of miscarriages, I had apas, pcos and gestational diabetes during my pregnancy with Isabella. I feel so blessed because I am now 39 weeks pregnant with Gabriela will come out soon. I would like to share to you guys how I am preparing for Gabriela's arrival. How I prepare the stuff we need in the hospital, the vitamins I am taking, complete check ups and most importantly preparing Isabella that she will be soon an Ate. I would like also to thank my ever supportive husband for really encouraging me to do Youtube, to all my 329,000 subscribers who enjoy my vlogs, to my Asian Artist Agency family and of course to my team Vidanes Celebrity Marketing. Thank you so much. Don't forget to Like, Subscribe and tell all your friends. I also enjoy reading all your comments. For content collaboration please contact me at: Email:
Mariel Padilla
Run time: 25:30
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