
GAWIN MO ITO SA PINOY SPAGHETTI MO! The Only Filipino Spaghetti Recipe that I Trust for The Holidays
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If you’ve ever had a bite of Filipino Spaghetti, you would know that it can taste pretty different compared to the classic version. That’s because we’ve got a whole lot more sweetness as a result of Filipino style spaghetti sauce. Recipe: This is a lot meatier too because we definitely will not be cutting back on that type of ingredient. We’ve got some deliciously savory hotdogs, ground pork and ham. What I also incorporated in this recipe to distinguish it from some other Filipino spaghetti dishes is a boost of crunchiness with a mix of subtle sweetness. We’ve got red and green bell peppers for our recipe too.
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 07:59
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