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LUIS MANZANO & JESSY MENDIOLA INTIMATE WEDDING Hopefully, after watching the video, you’ll have huge smiles on your faces and only feel love because with everything that’s been happening in the world, that’s all we want, to share the love and spread some joy to everyone. ❤️ To the whole team, we are grateful for each and everyone of you. Thank you for making our wedding day extra special. ❤️ #JessGotLucky #LuisAndJessyWedding #OurIntimateWedding SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR WEDDING TEAM: Videography: Bob Nicolas and team Phototography: Caliber King and team (Pat Dy’s team) Venue styling: Gideon Hermosa and team Jessy Mendiola Glam Team: Makeup: Kusie Ho Hair: Anton Papa Stylist: Patty Yap Sponsors: Wedding dress: Patricia Santos Shoes: Jefferson Si Nails: ExtraOrdinail Eyelash Extensions: New Lounge Luis Manzano: Glam Team: Grooming: Peps Selvestre Stylist: Rex Atienza/ Jay Sarmiento Suit by: Paulo Lazaro Wedding planner and coordination: “THE” Joanne Angeles, we LOVE you. Than
Jessy Mendiola
Run time: 05:25
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