
10 Day Trip Destinations from FUKUOKA, JAPAN • ENGLISH • The Poor Traveler
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Now may not be a good time to travel, but it's always a great time to plan a trip, learn about destinations, or simply be inspired! ---------------- Most travelers barely make it outside Fukuoka, which is a shame because this underrated region is brimming with fascinating attractions. If you’re flying to Fukuoka soon, consider adding other Kyushu destinations to your itinerary. After exploring the attractions in and around the city center, those who want to visit other destinations in the region will find it easy to get to those spots from Fukuoka. Here are just some of the day tour destinations from Fukuoka. Thank you for watching! Please don't forget to subscribe to our channel ⬇⬇⬇ 11 DAY TRIP DESTINATIONS FROM FUKUOKA ⬇⬇⬇ 2020 FUKUOKA TRAVEL GUIDE: Budget Itinerary, Things to Do ⬇⬇⬇ 13 BEST THINGS TO DO IN FUKUOKA ⬇⬇⬇
Run time: 12:24
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