
Christmas Spaghetti At Fried Chicken Ala Papang Strolls + Egg Sandwich ni Ate Mela | Melason Cooking
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Sangkap sa Spaghetti * 1 kilo spaghetti noodles * 75 g ground beef * 75 g ground chicken * 1/4 kilo chicken hotdog * 500 g spaghetti sauce * small pack of tomato sauce * medium size white onion * 3 cloves of garlic * 1 small can button mushroom * grated cheese * 1/4 butter *salt and pepper to taste * condensed milk (if you want it be sweeteer) Fried chicken (marinate) * 1 kilo chicken * 1 pack flour * 3-5 pcs eggs Gravy * beef broth * flour * butter Egg Sandwich * 2-4 pcs eggs *1/4 cup Lady's choice mayonnaise * bread
Melason Family
Run time: 27:57
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