
Lotus MIG Welding Setup for Beginners
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Lotus Tools Philippines and I partnered with this Metal Working series where I will learn how to do metal working from scratch without any knowledge or experience prior to this. This series hopefully inspire other who wants to try metal working but they are hesitant maybe because they dont know how to start, so you're in for a treat. This video discuss why I chose Mig welding machine instead of other type of welding machines,coming from a woodworking craft I think mig welding suited best for what I want to do. I first focused on how I was able to setup mig welding machines from scratch and the struggle I went through to test this machine for the first time. So enjoy this Metal working series where a woodworker leanrs how to Weld from scratch! Thank you Lotus Tools Philippines Tools I used. Mig Welding Machine - Mig Plier - Co2 Regulator with Heater - Angle Grinder - http:/
Film that Build
Run time: 09:04
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