
525+ REPS AB CHALLENGE | She is Kris B | Kris Bernal 💋
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Hello SHE-zums! Your response on the 12-minute plank challenge has been great! Thank you for all your comments! I saw some tried it and tagged me! SALUTE! :) It's REALLY difficult! Yet, little did you know it has a potential to increase your core strength and your entire body! It's time for a new challenge or level up your ab workouts! There's no excuse not to crush this challenge because the ab exercises are basic! And, you can do it wherever, whenever, at home! 20 ab exercises with 25 counts each: 1. Leg Raises 2. Wipers 3. Twisters 4. Reach Throughs 5. Crunch & Twist 6. Side Plank 7. Side Plank (Opposite Side) 8. Reverse Crunch 9. Shoulder Taps Plank 10. The hundreds 11. Toe Touches 12. Crunches 13. Russian Twist 14. Single Leg Drop 15. Butterly Situps 16. Eagle Crunch 17. Roll Overs 18. Hip Twist 19. Heel Taps 20. Scissors IF I CAN, YOU CAN! :) Goodluck! Like, share and SUBSCRIBE! Click the notification bell so you will be updated with my every upload. I am so excited to share this passion project to
Kris Bernal
Run time: 22:14
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