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The Aetas in the Philippines are indigenous people who live in scattered, isolated mountainous parts of Pampanga. The Aeta were included in the group of people named "Negrito" during the Spanish Era. Once a year on Christmas they travel down to the city in hopes of collecting donations and alms which they can use for the rest of the year. On Christmas day of 2018, we decided to go to the city streets and find them. Along with volunteer friends, we offered our unfortunate brothers and sisters some grocery items they could not usually afford to pay on their own. Please enjoy the short video about our powerful experience visiting them. -Credits- Paul Michael Marquez - Director / Videographer Renz "Batoy" Frias - Volunteer friend of TeamCanlasTV *Other sponsors of donation preferred not to be mentioned THANK YOU! Music: Aeta Pampanga 2018 #GiveLoveOnXmasDay #AetaCommunity #TeamCanlasTV
TeamCanlasTV - Manyaman Keni!
Run time: 04:25
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