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#WorkEthics #Ethics #WorkplaceEthics A strong work ethic is an important part of being successful in your career Work ethic is a set of values based on the ideals of discipline and hard work. Building a strong work ethic will allow a person to train themselves so that hard work is almost automatic. Having a strong work ethics involves upholding the values and goals of the company by performing your job to the best of your ability An employee with a strong work ethics is professional in attitude and appearance They honor their employment agreement by working the required hours, which may involve overtime to meet deadlines. They also understand the significance of how their role fits within the company. Their main focus is helping their company succeed Not all employees display a strong work ethics naturally Lack of focus can complicate an otherwise efficient process foe meeting the deadlines. What is work ethic? How can work ethic contribute to the success of your career? How do you uphold the values and goa
Sir Jr's Channel
Run time: 18:43
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