
Pinakbet Recipe | How to Cook Pinkabet | Panlasang Pinoy
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Pinakbet or Pakbet refers to a Filipino vegetable dish. There are two main version of pinakbet, the Ilocano version and Tagalog version. This recipe depicts the steps on how to cook pinakbet tagalog. Here are the ingredients for this pinakbet recipe video: 1/4 lb pork, thinly sliced 1 eggplant, sliced 1 bitter melon, sliced 1/4 lb kalabasa squash, cubed 3 tablespoons ginger, chopped 3 pieces long green pepper 6 cloves garlic crushed 10 pieces okra 12 pieces string beans, cut in 2 inch pieces 1 piece onion, chopped 4 tablespoons shrimp paste (bagoong alamang) 2 pieces tomato sliced 1 cup water 3 tablespoons cooking oil ground black pepper to taste You can also check it here:
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 12:55
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