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Richard Heydarian VLOGS
Run time: 21:21
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And what's gonna happen next? So some were saying, kasi ganito, if you're never a Marcos group, you might even contemplate teaming up with the functional opposition against the administration.
Now, my problem with that is or I mean the criticism against that would be, I'm not sure about the chances there. It's very hard to go against the administration during midterm elections because midterm elections in the Philippines are pro-incumbency.
But the other one is, wait lang, what are your concerns against with Marcos? What happened again under Duterte's? I'm not talking about Marcos Sr., I'm talking about Marcos Jr. Between Marcos Jr. and Marcos Sr., who is a bigger concern when it comes to human rights? Who's a bigger concern when it comes to West Philippine Sea? Who's a bigger concern when it comes to X, Y, and Z?
So the problem with those who are just focused is never Marcos and maybe open to teaming up with the others. That has its own, right? Now, and then I think there's another group within the ideological opposition who are saying, let's just stay out of this whole thing.
Maybe just pick up the popcorn and try to run as the third force in the 2025 elections or just sit out the 2025 elections. Do grassroots. Popularize some of your promising candidates, but you're really there for 2028, right? Let the 2025 to be unity contest, right? Intra-unity contest or not so unity contest.
But my sense is we might see more and more members of the supposed ideological opposition, people who are from liberal party like Stella Kimbo, people who are affiliated with the opposition, people who run under the opposition, people who used to criticize Marcos Jr. a lot, people who used to present themselves as the antithesis of Marcos, etc.
They might come in and say, Marcos, Duterte, Admin, suddenly not so Admin. That's where we'll end up. Not just a bigger chance, but closer to something that I can work with. So I think what we're going to see is that there's going to be splits also, not only within the ruling coalition within Unity. I think there's going to be some split also within the ideological opposition.
I think there are going to be people there in the real opposition, some of them saying, never Marcos, we'll not work with them. We might even be open to working with the other faction to check them out. There could be another faction. I can't guess who are these guys. Who's going to say, neither, nor. I'm just going to pick my popcorn and I'm just going to prepare for 2028, right? Maybe support some people here and there. I have a feeling, but no.
But I think there'll be more and more people who'll say, I'm not necessarily endorsing it, but this is just my sense about things. And I'm sure Stella Kimbo could be one of them, who'll say, Duterte, Admin, I'm not sure I could work with them. Marcos Jr. Administration, well, it's not necessarily your Norwegian social democratic labor party, but I think I can work with this administration.
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