
Does People v. Cristobal prove that Reckless Driving is NOT a crime?
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Or does it prove that a traffic violation is NOT a crime?
Fiscal EJ
Run time: 06:27
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Now, let's go to another topic. I am talking about the case of Pippol v. Marlon Cristobal, GR No. 234-207, dated June 10, 2019.
The question is, does this case of Pippol v. Marlon Cristobal prove that reckless driving is not a crime?
Let us first go through the facts of the case.
Cristobal was charged for illegal possession of dangerous drugs in the Regional Trial Court.
According to the police, Cristobal was plugged down at a checkpoint for not wearing a helmet.
He also failed to show the Certificate of Registration and the OR of the motorcycle he was riding or driving.
While the police officer was preparing the traffic citation ticket, Cristobal allegedly ran away but the other police officers were able to apprehend him.
He was brought back to the checkpoint where he was searched for deadly weapons but nothing was found.
However, the police noticed that Cristobal's pocket was bulging and ordered him to remove the object from his pocket which was a small plastic bag.
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