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Ivana Alawi
Run time: 21:53
Has AI Subtitles

English Summary of Video (AI):
The video appears to be a detailed vlog of a "boyfriend prank" where Mona plans and executes a prank on her sister. Below are bullet points of the transcript's contents:

- Mona introduces her plan to execute a boyfriend prank on her sister, Ivana, as a retaliation for a prank Ivana pulled on her previously.
- She details her plan to bring a fake boyfriend home during a family lunch and expresses her excitement for the prank, which she's been planning for about four months with the help of her family and friends.
- The fake boyfriend's name is mentioned as "Lebron Mike," but for the prank, they used the name "Jake."
- The prank involves setting up hidden cameras around the house and ensuring sound quality with a hidden lapel microphone.
- The prank includes a fake love letter and a gift from Mona to Ivana, which are meant to mislead Ivana into thinking the setup is real.
- Mona communicates with her sister, Diana, to track Ivana's arrival and sets up cameras to capture her reaction.
- The vlog shows preparations for the lunch and discusses where to place cameras secretly.
- The fake boyfriend, "Jake," is coached on his role, being told to act arrogant, boastful about his gym habits, and to feign closeness with the family, particularly irritating Ivana.
- The prank unfolds during a family lunch where the fake boyfriend arrives, being introduced as Mona's serious suitor who wants to take her to Disneyland.
- "Jake" interacts with the family, and Ivana questions the suddenness and seriousness of their relationship.
- Tension arises as "Jake" asks for Ivana's blessing for a trip to Disneyland with Mona, which he portrays as a serious relationship milestone.
- The supportive reactions of other family members contrast with Ivana's apprehension and skepticism throughout the prank.
- Ivana's irritation builds as she probes "Jake" on his intentions and their relationship's legitimacy, eventually leaving the room due to frustration and fatigue.
- The prank is revealed to Ivana, who appears relieved and asserts that she wasn't genuinely upset, though Mona implies Ivana had fallen for the prank.
- The video concludes with an appeal for viewers to subscribe, like, comment, and share if they enjoyed the prank.

(Note: The summary excludes details about liking, sharing, and subscribing since those were omitted as per the brief.)

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Hi, guys! It's me, Mona, and welcome back!
Sinira kasi ng ate ko yung agreement namin na bawal ang prank.
Although, I'm very grateful kasi grabe yung prank niya.
Pinigil niya ako ng kotse.
Hindi pa rin ako makakaget over dun.
Thank you, ate. I love you.
Pero sorry, kailangan kitang bawian.
For today's video, ito na ang part 2 ng boyfriend prank.
Pero, by literal akong dadalhin na tao,
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