
Total and Partial Extinguishment of Criminal Liability
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Enumeration of the causes of total extinction of criminal liability 0:50 Enumeration of the causes of partial extinction of criminal liability 1:37 FIRST CAUSE OF TOTAL EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY: Death of the convict 2:01 What about the civil liability of the convict who dies? Will it also be extinguished by his death? 4:44 When does a judgment become final? 9:54 What does criminal liability entail? 10:27 What is the basis of civil liability arising from crime? 11:48 What does civil liability include? 14:06 What if an accused is acquitted, does his acquittal mean that he is also not civilly liable? 17:14 SECOND CAUSE OF TOTAL EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY: Service of sentence 22:50 THIRD and FOURTH CAUSES OF TOTAL EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY: Amnesty and Absolute pardon 24:11 FIFTH CAUSE OF TOTAL EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY: Prescription of the crime 27:23 When does the period of prescription of the crime begin to run? 32:39 How is the period of prescription of the crime int
Fiscal EJ
Run time: 56:28
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