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BUHAY AMERIKA: NAMULOT NG PERSIMMON SA PARK! LUTUIN RIN NATIN! PERSIMMON FLAVORED MUFFINS! #dossierperfume #dossier @dossierperfumes Dossier has a welcome offer up to 20% on the website. You can get up to 30% off for your first order by using the discount code!!* (10sheryl)The extra 10% applies at the checkout. Dossier has a new payment method that lets you earn store credit. Select Catch at the last step of checkout and you earn $10 bonus credit. "you earn $10 sign on bonus credit. Get rewarded with 10% store credit on every order. #catch #paywithcatch Dossier Perfumes are available now at Walmart US The Walmart store locator is here: Don`t forget to check out Our Facebook Page: Please Support My husband`s YT Channel: Amazon Storefront: Check out my Amazon Store front page :
Fil-am Living Simply in America
Run time: 18:40
Has AI Subtitles

English Summary of Video (AI):
Here are the topics discussed in the Tagalog video, summarized in bullet points in English:

- Introduction to Dossier perfumes received by the host of the vlog:
- Display of four different perfumes from Dossier.
- Mention of Dossier providing luxury scents for less and their nice packaging suitable for gifting.
- Presentation of the perfume "Musky Gayak" and its inspiration from Lalabo, a luxury brand.
- Information that Dossier products are available at Walmart stores in the USA.
- Description of the scent and notes of "Umber Cherry," a bestseller inspired by Tom Ford Lost Cherry.
- Brief discussion of other perfumes shown: "Amber Sage" with a citrus scent and "Fruity Oak Moss" with a fruity scent.
- Mention of a 10% discount code for the viewers to use when purchasing Dossier perfumes.

- Gathering and processing of persimmons:
- Explanation of how small persimmons are picked up from the ground when they are ripe.
- Cleaning and washing of the gathered persimmons with plans to possibly make cookies or pie.
- Sorting of the persimmons into usable ones and rejects, including those that are unripe or spoiled.
- Demonstration of how to remove the fruit flesh using a strainer, with the pulp used for making puree.
- Description of the persimmon flesh-removal process, checking for sweetness and absence of spoilage before smashing the fruit to obtain puree.
- Pureeing of the persimmons with suggestions for using the puree in cookies, pies, or other recipes.

- Preparation of persimmon muffins:
- The host mentions the surprise muffin-making plan for the children.
- Listing of ingredients for the persimmon muffins, with a note that they will be gluten-free.
- The process of mixing the ingredients and preparing the muffin batter, with the intention of completing the baking process.

Please note that instructions for subscribing to the channel, liking the video, discussing on social media, and sharing on social media were excluded from this summary as per the instructions.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Welcome back to our channel. So before I move on to our vlog, I just want to show you what
Dossier sent me. So we got four perfumes that I'm gonna show you today. Hopefully they'll
Make something like for people like me who don't use
Like strong perfumes like colognes or mild
scent perfumes
But today we're gonna I'm gonna show you guys what Dossier has to offer if you're looking for a luxury
Scents for less. Look at their packaging is really nice. It's perfect for gifting as well
So this one is Musky Gayak and this little card shows you what's in this perfume
also the notes what are the scents or
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