
BEST BUDGET MIC for PS5 and Nintedo Switch? AmpliGame A8 Plus Microphone Unboxing & Initial Review
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#jccaloy #fifinemicrophone #AmpliGameA8 AmpliGame A8 plus microphone: Links to FIFINE MICROPHONE official websites: Contact info of FIFINE Staff: Website: AmpliGame A8 Plus is a condenser microphone with four pick-up patterns. Triple capsule array consists of four selectable polar patterns for different use dimensions. Cardioid minimizes side and rear noises to deliver rich, full-bodied sound. Stereo uses both the front and rear channels to capture width and reality for accuracy of both sides. Omni-directional picks up sound from all around the PC microphone to grasp equal voices. Bi-directional suits for face-to-face communication but less echo or reverb issues. Condenser USB microphone improves sensitivity and smoothness of the sound. Gives your audience a feeling like you were right next to them. Broader frequency response del
Run time: 08:44
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