
Force yourself to see it | vlog 20
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The truth is good things are always around, but the presence of negative thoughts are just stronger and if we don't have control of those thoughts, they will consume us. The more you think negatively the more you attract negative thoughts, so if you won't force yourself to divert those thoughts into something positive, you'll definitely make it even worse for you. It's impossible that you can't think positively. It's just that you let the negativity consume you and ruin your day and later on your entire life. When you try, make sure you're trying hard enough and literally force yourself to see the good things, because when you're surrounded with bad things, there's a very slim chance to see the good things, but if you can do it then you'll most likely be more consistent in doing what you have to do. #MavsMentality
Coach Mav
Run time: 16:33
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