
What does it take to reach 77? | Vlog 13
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Most of the people love to complain about the things that they didn't get because of the work that they didn't do. Does that make sense? How can you even ask for something that you didn't work for? When it gets hard, you quit. When it gets hard, you stop. When it gets hard, you change your goals instead of changing your effort. You keep on promising yourselves that you'll do this and you'll do that and then when it gets tough, you break your promises. Millions of people talk about consistency, patience, perseverance, and lots of things about being successful, but when it's showtime, they are nowhere to be found. Then, when it's time to eat, you're gonna wait for the food to be served? You might want to hunt on your own and not just ask for your dinner. Or maybe, your efforts can only get a duck, but you keep on asking for a deer for dinner? You know what, you get what you deserve. That's how it works. So, if you're not yet there and you think you should be, well you deserve where you are right now. And instea
Coach Mav
Run time: 14:19
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