
Mavs Phenomenal Basketball Training ft JAYSON CASTRO
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This is a review of our training with Jayson Castro and Al Francis Tamsi. In this training we paid attention to the details of the drop. It actually looks like an easy move when you're watching but in reality you have to consider a lot of things to master this footwork, and when mastered it will give you the explosiveness that you need every time you attack. I really suggest that you work on this move most of the time because if you develop the balance that you need, it's really easy to add or combine different moves in to it. #MavsStudy ELITE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT TRAINING CAMP. If you want to work and study with us, please do message us at 0915-362-1012. Instagram: @mavsphenomenalbasketball Facebook: @mavsphenomenalbasketball
Coach Mav
Run time: 07:34
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