
Mavs Brotherhood
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Beyond thankful for what I've received. I asked for teammates, workmates, business partners, but He gave me my brothers. I am honored to live with these DOPE SOULS behind Mav's Phenomenal Basketball. This is something that people don't know about us. We are strong inside the court, but are inseparable outside. We may have hard times together, but at the end of the day, we have each other's back. I will never give up my brothers for anything. They are my gem, my precious gems. This is who we are beyond basketball. Surreal! Magical! PHENOMENAL! I can tell that Mav's Phenomenal Basketball has come a very long way by bringing these different people from different places together to destroy one mission, one goal, and one dream. And for the future Dope Souls that we are about to meet, we are very excited to welcome you in our brotherhood. #TheGrowingFamilyOfMavs *To my brothers who were not in the video, you know how much you mean to me. I'll see you soon, Dope Souls. 💯❤️ -Coach Mav
Coach Mav
Run time: 03:11
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