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Run time: 16:48
Has AI Subtitles

English Summary of Video (AI):
The video features a birthday celebration for someone named Brad, which takes place on December 26. Here are specific topics and happenings discussed in the video:

- The video starts with a happy birthday song for Brad.
- Brad thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.
- The leftover food from the previous night's celebration is mentioned, indicating a feast.
- Various individuals are greeted, including a person named Boy Kaldag, and there’s mention of guests arriving for the celebration.
- The attendees prepare and share a meal together, including dishes like rice, salad, and possibly chicken adobo, as well as a mention of pansit (a Filipino noodle dish) and other unspecified items.
- A humorous moment where someone is labeled as the group's "cook."
- The video captures casual, light-hearted interactions among friends, sharing inside jokes and stories.
- A prayer is offered, thanking God for Brad's birthday and asking for blessings for everyone present and for the group ("harabas") to grow stronger each year.
- There’s a mention of having a second round of food and comments about dieting humorously dismissed.
- Laughter and jokes continue as they address the camera, mentioning fans and engaging with the audience informally.
- Some discussions revolve around specific food preferences of the group members, including a preference for adobo over sinigang (a sour soup).
- The celebration appears to be informal, with a focus on camaraderie, sharing stories, and enjoying each other's company.
- Towards the end, there's an acknowledgment and thanks to those who wished Brad a happy birthday, reflecting on getting older.
- The celebration concludes with an affirmation of gratitude and joy among friends.

The video encapsulates the warmth and casual enjoyment of a group of friends celebrating a birthday with humor, food, and gratefulness for each other's company.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Hey mga karabas muna, lang intro intro to
Happy birthday Brad
Thank you
December 26
Birthday boy
Yung mga tira tira handa kagabi
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