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A special R&R episode.
Richard Heydarian VLOGS
Run time: 15:45
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Okay, so sa previous episode na pag-usapan natin yung bakbakan between, eto na, I might say something with myself in trouble. Let's just say factions versus factions of the administration with the 2028 elections and the Duterte potential comeback in mind.
All the things are going to go crazy. Baste runs, Digong runs, I don't know, Polong runs, Tulfos runs. I mean, my goodness, it's going to be crazy. Good luck na lang. We discussed already in the previous episode what could happen if Digong is the Senate President. Manggugulo din yan, di ba? They could coup out yung sa baba, sa taas, lahat.
But in this episode, let's talk about also the real prospect of works. I just came from Washington. This is how we're discussing with some folks there about Philippine-US alliance, the China question, Taiwan.
So one of the things that I want to discuss with you today, we already had some discussion on AFPs. Ikaw Ronald, aren't you worried now on the Taiwan issue baka we might go a little bit too deep with the Americans in a sense that might provoke China?
I know, I'm going to argue against this statement right away, I would say. But of course, as some correctly also say, we cannot afford Taiwan to become China because then you have a giant island just north of Batanes.
A hundred kilometers away.
Yeah, like 80 miles.
80 miles lang. I mean, it's so scary. So kaya we have some people like Admiral Ong, for instance, we had a discussion, sabi niya. Yun yung worst case scenario. Probably even worse than West Philippine Sea. Kasi West Philippine Sea, malilit na Islaminawa, pinagawain dito. Ito, Taiwan, giant eh. Next to us, next to Luzon, right? To the centers of power, next to Ilocos, next to BBMs, home province, etc.
How do you feel about this Taiwan issue? Because from my understanding, the Americans want to have maximal access there.
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