
CEDRIC LEE GUILTY! What did we learn?
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Ano ba yung mga nalaman natin sa kaso na ito.
Chris Tan
Run time: 13:37
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Guilty. Yun ang hatol ng Kortek para ka na Denise Cornejo, Cedric Lee at yung dalawa pa nilang kasamahan sa kaso ng serious illegal detention ni Vong Navarro.
Ngayon sa mga may hindi alam, this case has been going on for 10 years. Sampung taon.
Bago ang lahat, bibigyan ko kayo ng quick timeline kung paano ba nangyari ito 10 years ago.
It actually started in January 22 pero bago January 22, 2014, something happened in January 17, 2014.
So let's start with January 17, 2014. Dahil nung araw na yun, nagkita si Denise Cornejo at saka si Vong Navarro.
And after a few hours, umuwi na si Vong Navarro at an hour later, dumating si Cedric Lee kasama ng kanyang kapatid at may mga iba pa siyang kasama nung araw na yun.
Fast forward now 5 days later to January 22.
Pero bago dumating si Vong Navarro nung gabing yun, dumating si Bernice Lee, yung kapatid ni Cedric Lee na may kasamang dalawang lalaki.
30 minutes before Vong Navarro arrived.
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