

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word atasan in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word atasan:

atasan  Play audio #6232
[verb] to impose on someone; to command someone; to instruct someone; to oblige someone by law; to bind someone; to compel someone

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Verb conjugations of atasan:

Root: atas
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
atasan  Play audio #6232
Completed (Past):
inatasan  Play audio #38680
Uncompleted (Present):
inaatasan  Play audio #38681
Contemplated (Future):
aatasan  Play audio #38682
Verb family:
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Atasan mong gawín niyá ang proyekto.
Play audio #30309 Play audio #30310Audio Loop
Instruct him to do the project.
Sino ang inatasang kumantá sa entablado?
Play audio #30305 Play audio #30307Audio Loop
Who was instructed to sing on stage?
Aatasan ko siláng katawanín tayo bukas.
Play audio #30311 Play audio #30312Audio Loop
I will instruct them to represent us tomorrow.
Inatasan akó ng direktór na tapusin na ang iskríp.
Play audio #30306 Play audio #30308Audio Loop
The director commanded that I finish the script now.
Inaatasan kitáng magtalâ ng mga pangalan ng liliban sa klase.
Play audio #30303 Play audio #30304Audio Loop
I assign you to list down the names of those who will be absent in class.
Inatasan siláng maglunsád ng programang pangkabataan.
Play audio #36854Audio Loop
They were tasked to launch a program for the youth.

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How to pronounce atasan:

Play audio #6232
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
imposeimposesimposedimposingcommandcommandscommandedcommandinginstructinstructsinstructedinstructingobligeobligedobligingobligesbindbindsboundbindingimpose on someonecommand someoneoblige someoneoblige someone by lawcompelcompel someonebind someone
Grammatical Ligature:
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