
Binding in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word binding.

The English word "binding" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word binding in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. tahî   [noun] stitch; binding; suture more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pabalát   [noun] cover; binding more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. benda   [noun] bandage; wound dressing; binding more...

More matches for "binding" in Tagalog:

1.) gapos - [noun] manacles; binding; rope binding; bond; ties more...
2.) potpót - wrapping the end of a sword with rag, leather, or rope so as not to cause injury; binding; padding; cushioning; more...
3.) baat - the act of tying up a broken object; binding; tying; fastening; more...
4.) rústiká - a type of paper that binds a book; binding; bookbinding; cover; more...
5.) balikuskús - in the ancient visayan society, a knot made in a blanket that will be used as a skirt; knot; tie; binding; more...
6.) pagbibigkís - the act or method of forming a bundle or bond; binding; tying; uniting; more...
7.) gaót - the act of knotting or tying on the edge of a basket; knotting; tying; binding; more...
8.) bali - a binding or restraint behind the back, usually reaching the elbows; binding; restraint; shackles; fetters; more...
9.) banglót - a rope or chain used to haul logs; rope; chain; tether; lashing; binding; more...
10.) inggiw - a vine or thin stick used as a tie or binding material.; tie; vine; binding; cord; twine; more...
11.) panangkás - a tie for the bundles of reaped rice; binding; tie; binder; more...
12.) éngkuwadérnasyón - the cover or the process of covering a book; bookbinding; book cover; binding; more...
13.) dait - [noun] stitch; binding; suture more...
14.) liwad - the circular binding of the shaved rattan on the edges of a fish trap, winnowing basket, and other similar objects; binding; edging; rimming; more...
15.) balakil - act of binding or being bound together; binding; tying; more...
16.) úlat-ulat - the act of tying or binding closely together; fastening tightly.; binding; tying; fastening; securing; more...
17.) kababát - a strap for carrying or a tie, or any similar object; strap; binding; tie; band; more...
18.) bilít - the act of tying between bamboos; binding; tying; lashing; more...
19.) balakás - the act of binding a corpse with strips of cloth over a burial shroud; shrouding; wrapping; binding; more...
20.) atadura - the act of tying or binding.; tying; binding; fastening; more...
21.) balokay - the act of tying something as a whole; the entire tying process; binding; fastening; tying; more...
22.) táwo-tawo - the act of tying or sewing nipa palm leaves for use as a roof.; thatching; roofing; binding; more...
23.) talubatad - a binding on the lower edge of a fish trap; binding; reinforcement; brace; more...
24.) pangkól - the act of tying up a person or animal in order to prevent escape; binding; restraining; tying; securing; more...
25.) kaluwás - the act of wrapping using a behuko; wrapping; binding; tying; more...
26.) palantî - a rope or tie used to tighten the handle of a sesame oil press.; cord; tie; strap; binding; more...
27.) énlasé - act of tying or binding together; binding; knotting; fastening; more...
28.) gilagir - the act of tying together the bamboo flooring of a house; binding; tying; lashing; more...
29.) íntegumento - [noun] cover; binding more...
30.) umiral - [verb] to exist; to prevail; to be prevalent; to bind Example Sentences Available Icon9 Example Sentences Available » more...
31.) atasan - [verb] to impose on someone; to command someone; to instruct someone; to oblige someone by law; to bind someone; to compel someone Example Sentences Available Icon6 Example Sentences Available » more...
32.) ita - [verb] to tie something up; to tie something to/around; to tie something; to bind something more...
33.) bumigkís - [verb] to tie up in a bundle more...
34.) bigkisín - [verb] to bind something; to tie up something more...
35.) gumapos - [verb] to bind; to chain more...

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