
Broke in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word broke.

The English word "broke" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word broke in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. sirâ   1.) [adjective] broken; damaged; ruined; defective; destroyed; not working; worn-out; 2.) [adjective] crazy Example Sentences Available Icon5 Example Sentences Available » more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. basag   [noun] crack in glassware; broken more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. walang-walâ   [adjective] absolutely none; broke; having no money more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. sumi   [verb] to destroy; to break; to harm; to damage; to spoil; to botch Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...

More matches for "broke" in Tagalog:

1.) masi - 1.) [verb] to be damaged (AF); to be broken (AF); to be not working (AF); to (accidentally) break something (OF); 2.) [verb] to break down (AF); 3.) [verb] to be spoiled (AF); Example Sentences Available Icon15 Example Sentences Available » more...
2.) bumigáy - 1.) [verb] to get broken or damaged; to finally give in; to give out (collapse); 2.) [verb] to be homosexual or come out of the closet (figurative) Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
3.) kapós - 1.) [adjective] broke (financially); 2.) [adjective] insufficient; Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...
4.) madurog - [verb] to be crushed; to be broken (often in reference to heart break) Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
5.) maba - [verb] to break; to get broken more...
6.) dalurok - [adjective] broke/poor (slang); famished more...
7.) dayukdók - [adjective] broke/poor (slang); famished more...
8.) ulapíd - lost money due to gambling defeat; broke; bankrupt; insolvent; more...
9.) baligtád ang bulsá - [idiom] broke more...
10.) butatâ - in blackjack and other similar games of chance, having no points; bust; broke; bankrupt; more...
11.) bahete - 1.) [noun] short in stature; diminutive; short; petite; 2.) [noun] bankrupt; broke more...
12.) sirain - [verb] to damage something; to destroy something; to break something; to ruin something Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
13.) makasi - [verb] to spoil; to ruin; to be able to spoil; to accidentally break Example Sentences Available Icon14 Example Sentences Available » more...
14.) magbreak - [verb] to break (Taglish, English word: break) more...
15.) mabasag - [verb] to break accidentally; to break unintentionally; to crack; to be able to break Example Sentences Available Icon5 Example Sentences Available » more...
16.) basagin - [verb] to break something; to break something made of glass; to deliberately break something Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...
17.) makabasag - [verb] to be able to break more...
18.) malagót - [verb] to snap; to break more...
19.) magbaság - [verb] to crack (e.g., the silence, or glass, or something fragile); to break; to break glass more...
20.) bumasag - [verb] to crack (e.g., the silence, or glass, or something fragile); to break more...
21.) baliin - [verb] to break something more...
22.) buma - [verb] to break more...
23.) bumaklî - [verb] to break; to snap (a stick) more...
24.) magbalî - [verb] to break more...
25.) lumasóg - [verb] to break into bits; to tear into pieces more...
26.) magsirâ - [verb] to break more...

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