

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word bumigay in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word bumigay:

bumigáy  Play audio #11063
1 [verb] to get broken or damaged; to finally give in; to give out (collapse)
2 [verb] to be homosexual or come out of the closet (figurative)

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Verb conjugations of bumigay:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: bigayConjugation Type: -Um-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
bumigáy  Play audio #11063
Completed (Past):
bumigáy  Play audio #18397
Uncompleted (Present):
bumíbigáy  Play audio #18398
Contemplated (Future):
bíbigáy  Play audio #18399
Verb family:
magbigáy  |  
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Bumigáy ang silya sa bigát ni Paul.
Play audio #43571Audio Loop
The chair broke due to Paul's weight.
Mukháng bumíbigáy na si Jack.
Play audio #43574Audio Loop
Jack seems to be already showing signs that he's gay.
Hindî kayâ bumigáy ang padér na iyán sa lindól?
Play audio #43573Audio Loop
Wouldn't that wall collapse in an earthquake?
Kahit magmakaa pa sa iyó si George, huwág kang bíbigáy.
Play audio #43572Audio Loop
Even if George pleads, don't give in.

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How to pronounce bumigay:

Play audio #11063
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
give outcollapsebrokebrokenbreakbreaksbreakingdamageddamagingdamageddamagescome out of the closetout of the closetcame out of the closethomosexual
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