

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word magpaparamdam.
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The Tagalog word magpaparamdám is the Filipino verb magparamdam » conjugated in the Contemplated aspect ( future tense )

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[verb] to make one's presence known; to reveal

Verb conjugations of magparamdam:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: damdamConjugation Type: Magpa-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
magparamdám  Play audio #41494
Completed (Past):
nagparamdám  Play audio #41495
Uncompleted (Present):
nagpaparamdám  Play audio #41496
Contemplated (Future):
magpaparamdám  Play audio #41497
Magpaparamdam Example Sentences in Tagalog: (12)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Marunong akóng magparamdám ng pagmamahál sa mga tao.
Play audio #44423Audio Loop
I have a real talent for making people feel loved.
Ayós lang na magparamdám na ayaw mo sa kaniyá.
Play audio #44422Audio Loop
It's okay to reveal to him that you don't like him.
Magparamdám ka namán!
Play audio #44426Audio Loop
Make your presence known, please!
Hindî siyá nagparamdám na nakauwî na siyá.
Play audio #44425Audio Loop
She didn't tell that she's already home.
Bigláng hindî na nagparamdám si Jessica.
Play audio #44429Audio Loop
Suddenly Jessica didn't show up anymore.
Nagparamdám ang yumao niyáng amá sa kaniyáng panaginip.
Play audio #44434Audio Loop
His dead father visited him in his dream.
Nagpaparamdám siyá sa pamamagitan ng hangin.
Play audio #44430Audio Loop
He manifests himself in wind.
Nagpaparamdám siyá sa iyó na gustó ka niyá.
Play audio #44421Audio Loop
She makes you feel that she likes you.
Sino ang nagpaparamdám sa iyóng galít kamí sa iyó?
Play audio #44433Audio Loop
Who makes you feel that we're angry at you.
Bukas akó magpaparamdám sa kanilá.
Play audio #44420Audio Loop
I will see them tomorrow.
Magpaparamdám lang siyá kapág may kailangan siyá.
Play audio #44428Audio Loop
She will only show up if she needs something.
Bakit ka magpaparamdám sa taong hindî makaramdám?
Play audio #36979Audio Loop
Why will you reveal your feelings to a person who doesn't feel?

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