
Delay in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word delay.

The English word "delay" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word delay in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. maantala   [verb] to be delayed more...

More matches for "delay" in Tagalog:

1.) tayong - [noun] reprieve; interruption or delay of work more...
2.) abala - [noun] delay; nuisance; disturbance; interruption; inconvenience; bother; hassle; busy; detention Example Sentences Available Icon6 Example Sentences Available » more...
3.) maabala - [verb] to inconvenience someone (OF); to be inconvenienced (AF); to be delayed (AF); to be bothered (AF) more...
4.) ipagpaliban - [verb] to postpone something; to delay something; to procrastinate on something; to defer something; to put something off; more...
5.) atraso - [noun] a score to settle; offense; debt; gang war; arrears; delay; lateness; slow Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
6.) pagpapaliban - [noun] postponing; delaying; procrastinating more...
7.) kabagalan - [noun] slowness; tardiness; delay more...
8.) pagkaantala - [noun] delay; hold up; delaying; procrastinating; holding up more...
9.) pagkabalam - [noun] delay more...
10.) antala - [noun] delay; procrastination more...
11.) siban - the postponement or delay of any work or task; procrastination; deferment; delay; postponement; more...
12.) kabalaman - [noun] delay more...
13.) umabala - [verb] to be hindered or delayed more...
14.) balam - [noun] delay more...
15.) plurga - a period of passing the time in the implementation of something; interim; waiting period; delay; pause; hiatus; more...
16.) halát - to postpone the work to finish tomorrow; defer; postpone; procrastinate; delay; put off; more...
17.) bálam-araw - the act of delaying the execution of something or prolonging it.; procrastinate; defer; postpone; delay; prolong; more...
18.) binbín - a state of delay or postponement of something that is supposed to happen or be performed; delay; postponement; deferment; holdup; more...
19.) lumat - a delay of things that should be done; delay; postponement; procrastination; hindrance; more...
20.) retraso - hindrance; obstacle; delay; setback; impediment; more...
21.) ma-atraso - [verb] to delay; to be delayed more...
22.) kamantó - the act of postponing the doing of something; postponement; deferment; procrastination; delay; more...
23.) itagál - [verb] to last more...

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