
Loose in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word loose.

The English word "loose" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word loose in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. maluwág   [adjective] roomy; spacious; convenient; loose; liberal; lenient; easily; baggy; more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. lawláw   [adjective] saggy; sagging; loose; dangling; more...

More matches for "loose" in Tagalog:

1.) buhaghág - [adjective] in disarray; loose; disheveled; soft and fluffy; more...
2.) kuyáb - a loose knot or binding, also used to describe a slow person; slack; loose; languid; lethargic; more...
3.) umalpás - [verb] to get free; to get loose; to get untied (an animal) more...
4.) suwelto - separated or freed; not attached or confined; detached; loose; free; more...
5.) litáng - unsteady, loose, or detached, and usually refers to the steps of a ladder or staircase; unsteady; loose; detached; more...
6.) lukáy - loose or not tight; loose; slack; lax; more...
7.) baghág - [adjective] in disarray; loose; disheveled; soft and fluffy; more...
8.) tagibuhól - loose; pertaining to a tie or knot that is not tight and can easily come undone or be released; slack; unsecured; more...
9.) habsô - loose in the way it is tied; loose; slack; not tight; more...
10.) talihabsô - loose; easily untied or unfastened; slack; unsecured; more...
11.) buyagyág - fluffy; not compact; not dense; loose; sparse; more...
12.) bugnós - loosened; loose; slackened; relaxed; more...
13.) kuyár - not tight or not firm; loose; slack; unfirm; unsecured; more...

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