

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word maluwag in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word maluwag:

maluwág  Play audio #9609
[adjective] roomy; spacious; convenient; loose; liberal; lenient; easily; baggy

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Root: luwag
Usage Note Icon Usage Notes:
"Maluwág ang pantalón ko kayà kailangan kong magsuót ng sinturón" = My pants are loose that's why I need to wear a belt.

"Ang bagong opisina namin ay mas maluwág kaysa sa dati" = Our new office is roomier than the previous one.

"Mahigpít ang mga magulang ni Anna sa kanilá, pero maluwág naman pagdatíng sa mga bagay na talagáng kailangan nilá" = Anna's parents are strict with them, but on the other hand, liberal when it comes to things that they really need.

"Hindi ka dapat magíng masyadong maluwág sa iyóng mga taúhan/tao para hindì ka nilá abusuhin = You should not be too lenient with your people (the people you supervise) so that they won't exploit you.

"Maluwag ang tornilyo" (screw is loose) is an old Filipino euphemism for someone who's off his rocker.

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How to pronounce maluwag:

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