

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word mainis in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word mainis:

mainís  Play audio #19358
[verb] to feel annoyed; to feel a strong dislike for; to be bored; to be pissed off

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Verb conjugations of mainis:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: inisConjugation Type: Ma-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
mainís  Play audio #19358
Completed (Past):
nainís  Play audio #19359
Uncompleted (Present):
naíinís  Play audio #19360
Contemplated (Future):
maíinís  Play audio #19361
Verb family:
makainís  |  
inisín  |  
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Binanggít ko sa kaniyá na naíinís ka.
Play audio #28210 Play audio #28211Audio Loop
I mentioned to her that you're feeling frustrated.
Naíinís akó.
Play audio #28212 Play audio #28213Audio Loop
I'm annoyed. / I'm pissed off.
Huwág ka nang mainís.
Play audio #28217 Play audio #28218Audio Loop
Don't get pissed off anymore.
Nainís ka ba sa akin kahapon?
Play audio #28221 Play audio #28223Audio Loop
Were you annoyed with me yesterday?
Naíinís ka na ba sa akin?
Play audio #28208 Play audio #28209Audio Loop
Am I beginning to get on your nerves?
Madalî ka bang mainís?
Play audio #28216 Play audio #28215Audio Loop
Do you get pissed off easily?
Nainís akó nang igiít ng nanay ko na magtrabaho akó.
Play audio #28219 Play audio #28220Audio Loop
I was annoyed when my mother insisted that I get a job.
Ayaw ni Anne na maramdamán ni Arthur na naíinís siyá sa kanyá.
Play audio #28207 Play audio #28206Audio Loop
Anne does not want Arthur to feel that he's getting on her nerves.
Hindî ka ba naíinís sa mga kilos ni Betty?
Play audio #28203 Play audio #28204Audio Loop
Don't you get irritated by Betty's demeanor?
Maíinís na talagá akó sa iyó kung hindî ka pa tátahimik.
Play audio #38814Audio Loop
I'll really get pissed off with you if you still won't shut up.

User-submitted Example Sentences (1):
User-submitted example sentences from Tatoeba who have self reported as being fluent in Tagalog.
Kita sa mukha niya na nainis siya.
Tatoeba Sentence #2950988 Tatoeba user-submitted sentence
His face showed that he was annoyed.

Tatoeba SentenceNotice: The Tatoeba sentences are from and are provided under the CC BY 2.0 FR creative commons license. Some of the Tatoeba sentences are also under CC0 1.0. See their website for more details. This only applies to Tatoeba sentences and not the other sentences on All other sentences are © copyright protected by

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How to pronounce mainis:

Play audio #19358
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Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
annoyeddislikepissedpissed offborebored
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