
Notice in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word notice.

The English word "notice" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word notice in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pansinín   [verb] to pay attention to something; to give attention to something; to notice something; to observe something; to detect something; to take note of something Example Sentences Available Icon10 Example Sentences Available » more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pansín   [noun] attention; notice Example Sentences Available Icon3 Example Sentences Available » more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pumansín   [verb] to notice; to pay attention more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. abiso   [noun] information; advisement; notice; notification more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pumuná   [verb] to notice; to criticize more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pauna   [noun] notice; notification more...

More matches for "notice" in Tagalog:

1.) mápansín - [verb] to happen to notice something (OF); to realize something (OF); to be noticed (AF); to pay attention to something Example Sentences Available Icon14 Example Sentences Available » more...
2.) tingnán - [verb] to look at something; to notice something; to view something; to investigate something; to look after something; to check something Example Sentences Available Icon17 Example Sentences Available » more...
3.) malas - [noun] bad luck; misfortune; glance; glanced upon (seeing); notice; gaze; jinx; showing off; [adjective] unlucky; unfortunate more...
4.) mahalatâ - [verb] to detect something; to notice something; to be aware of something; to be obvious (noticed) Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
5.) makapansín - [verb] to be able to notice; to happen to notice more...
6.) pasabi - [noun] notification; sent message; notice more...
7.) babalâ - [noun] warning; alert; notice; caution; sign; announcement; Example Sentences Available Icon5 Example Sentences Available » more...
8.) makahalatâ - [verb] to be able to notice; to find something as obvious more...
9.) mamataán - [verb] to catch sight of something; to happen to see something; to notice something Example Sentences Available Icon12 Example Sentences Available » more...
10.) mapuná - [verb] to notice; to criticize; to be noticed; to be criticized more...
11.) magpansinan - [verb] to pay attention to each other; to notice each other more...
12.) pagpansín - [noun] attention; notice more...
13.) alintanahin - [verb] to pay any attention to something; to pay any notice to something; to mind something more...
14.) ordén - order; command or directive; arrangement or organization; a written notice to a manufacturer, merchant, waiter, etc., typically in writing, to supply the requested items; or the quantity of supplied goods; the overall structure of the world, society, etc.; any of the styles of ancient architecture identifiable by the type of columns used; especially with a capital letter, a group of notable people established by a sovereign, and awarded as an honor; can also be with a capital letter, an association of friar more...
15.) bandilyo - a message or news for the community; announcement; proclamation; notice; bulletin; communiqué; more...
16.) tagipano - notice or attention; notice; attention; observance; more...
17.) notisya - [noun] notice more...
18.) bigáy-alám - [noun] notice; notification more...
19.) letrero - placard; a printed or written statement that may be posted or shown in public by one or more persons; sign; notice; billboard; poster; more...
20.) notipikasyón - [noun] notice; notification more...
21.) humalata - [verb] to notice, detect or tell more...
22.) alerta - a warning or signal concerning something that should be prepared for; alert; warning; signal; notice; caution; more...
23.) maino - [verb] to happen to notice something more...
24.) intana - variant of alintana; heed; notice; mind; regard; pay attention to; more...
25.) iháp - the act of giving attention or consideration; attention; consideration; heed; notice; more...
26.) abóg - [noun] noise more...

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