
Root: taas

taas is a common word root in the Filipino language.

Meaning of the root taas:
~ related to being high or tall

Taas Words and Definitions:

Example words using the Filipino / Tagalog root "taas"

mataás : 1.) [adjective] high; tall; elevated 2.) [adjective] superior or excellent (e.g., high grades)   more... »
taás : 1.) [noun] height; altitude; highness; 2.) [adjective] up; up above; up there   more... »
tumaás : [verb] to rise; to ascend; to become higher; to go upwards   more... »
pataás : [adjective/adverb] upwards; and higher; upward; heading higher; heading up; increasing; escalating   more... »
pagtaás : [noun] rising; promotion; ascension; increase (in price)   more... »
magtaás : [verb] to raise; to elevate   more... »
itaás : [verb] to raise something; to lift something; to uplift something; to elevate something   more... »
taasán : [verb] to raise something; to increase something   more... »
itaás : [adjective] above; at the top; up; upper; upstairs; [noun] upstairs   more... »
pataasán : [verb] to make something higher   more... »
pataasan : [noun] a contest in which the person with the highest score wins   more... »
pínakamataás : [adjective] highest; supreme; tallest (object)   more... »
makataás : [verb] to precede; to be higher   more... »
magpataás : [verb] to cause to rise   more... »
pataasín : [verb] to raise   more... »
napakataás : [adjective] very high   more... »
kataasan : [noun] height; elevation   more... »
kátaás-taasan : [adjective] tallest; supreme   more... »
pagtataás : [noun] increase (in price); rising; promotion; ascension;   more... »
mapataás : [verb] to suddenly raise; to be able to increase   more... »
mapagmataás : [adjective] arrogant   more... »
mataasán : [verb] to outrank something/someone; to outgrow something/someone   more... »
pang-itaás : [noun] blouse; top (clothing)   more... »
pinakataás : [adjective] highest; tallest; uppermost   more... »
nakatataás : [adjective] highest; most elevated; highest rank   more... »
maitaás : [verb] to be able to raise something; to be able to lift something; to be able to elevate something   more... »
paitaás : [adverb] towards the top; going upstairs   more... »
napataás : [adjective] raised   more... »
taás-noó : [adjective/adverb] with pride   more... »
pagmamataás : [adjective] arrogance   more... »
kaitaasan : [noun] upper part; peak or the highest part; summit; apex; pinnacle; peak; zenith;   more... »
taas-babâ : [adjective/adverb] up and down; bobbing up and down   more... »
sa itaás : [adverb] above   more... »
magmataás : [verb] to act proudly   more... »
pumaitaas : [verb] to go or move upwards   more... »
magsintaas : [adjective] of the same height   more... »
taas-taasan : [verb] to make a little bit higher   more... »
dí-kataasan : [adjective] not tall; not high   more... »
pagmataasan : [verb] to act proudly towards someone   more... »
magkasintaas : [adjective] of the same height   more... »
magtaas-babâ : [verb] to move up and down   more... »
dakong itaas : [adjective] upper   more... »
higit na mataas : [adjective] higher in position, rank, etc.   more... »
pagbaba-pagtaas : [noun] fluctuation   more... »
makinang pantaas : [noun] hoist   more... »
pagtaasán ng boses : [verb] to raise one's voice to someone   more... »

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